Welcome to the Rotterdam Center for Tropical Medicine (RoCTM). The Center was established in 2011 and aims to contribute to Tropical Medicine in general with its own particular emphasis and expertise.
The RoCTM promotes development in Tropical Medicine through education and research.
The Center has a unique position in the Netherlands and offers 25 years of experience in medical and nursing care and research in a tropical environment, both in the field as in a (academic and district) hospital setting.
Through this website the RoCTM aims to be fully transparent in all its activities thus contributing to a better understanding of Tropical Medicine and the potential impact of education and research among the general public.
Ed E Zijlstra, MSc PhD FRCP FRCPath
Consultant Physician in Internal Medicine
(Specialized in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine)
Recent publications
Ethnicity and Health in Suriname
Ethnicity and health in Suriname
Suriname is a New World country that became independent of the Netherlands in 1975. It has a diverse population of around 600,0